Please do not come into church if you think you may have Covid symptoms.
Our regular online services and sermons continue, please download the Newsletter for full details. Download a guide to watching services on Facebook.
If you, or someone you know, would like a home visit (to receive Holy Communion for example), need to talk or ask for specific prayers, please do get in touch.
Associate Vicar Vacancy
Unfortunately, no applications were received, so we will re-advertise in due course. Please continue to pray for a successful conclusion to the appointment process.
As we wait, so we pray
Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you for your love for all people, and for all you give us.
During our vacancy, we pray particularly for the person we believe in faith that you have chosen to be our next Associate Vicar.
May that person respond gladly to your call, and work with us to grow your Kingdom in this Benefice.
While we wait, send us your Holy Spirit: help us to be patient, build us up in faith and love, and equip us to serve you well with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
These things we ask in the name of Jesus.
Sunday 16th February
9:00am Compton Beauchamp, St Swithun
9:30am Watchfield, St Thomas
Holy Communion (BCP)
9:30am Longcot, St Mary
Holy Communion
10:30am Shrivenham, St Andrew & Facebook
Holy Communion
Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.
11:00am Bourton, St James
Holy Communion
11:00am Ashbury, St Mary
Morning Prayer
Tuesday 18th February
9:00am Morning Prayer. Live on Facebook.
Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.
Thursday 20th February
9:00am Matins. Live on Facebook.
Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.
Friday 21st February
5:30pm Shrivenham, St Andrew
Worship and Praise
Sunday 23rd February
10:30am Ashbury, St Mary & Facebook
Benefice Holy Communion with choir
Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.
Keeping up to date
Please download our Newsletter or follow us on our Facebook page.